Portfolio project
Devolution is a Top-down Action RPG with 3D Platforming and Simulation elements.
No Unreal Marketplace assets were used in the project in order to learn the engine.Combat and NPCs coming soon...
Movement #1
Slide and Midair Kick. VFX are not yet implemented for most of the special moves.
Movement #2
Jump, Double Jump and Landing after falling from big height.
Movement #3
Hanging on Ledges and Climbing Walls Up / Down / Left / Right.
Equipment #1
Modular Character System with separate visuals for 7 Armor Slots and up to 4 Weapons. 3D models were made in Blender.
Equipment #2
Sheathing and Idle animations implemented for
15 Weapon Types.
Equipment #3
2 Weapon Sets can be equipped at once.
User Interface #1
Animated Character Selection and Creation Menu.
User Interface #2
Animated Character Preview, Inventory and Container UI with Item Tooltips.
User Interface #3
Transition to a Loading Screen.
My Contacts
My name is Anton, I live in Vienna, Austria.Let's connect!